Foundation University Islamabad
RegistrationAbout 4YSRC-2024
The 4th Young Scientists Research Conference will be held on 1st Oct 2024. It will be a unique student-led conference that will showcase the research activities, leadership experience and innovative ideas of students. It is open to all undergraduate medical, dental, rehabilitation and nursing sciences students. This conference will provide an opportunity for students to share their research findings through oral and poster presentations of their original scholarly work.
Oral Presentations: These are 7–10-minute PowerPoint presentations followed by audience questions at the end of session allowing the presenters to provide in-depth insight into their work.
Poster Presentations: Original research, summarized on a 24" x 36" poster will be displayed in college lobby and exam hall. During a dedicated poster session, authors will stand at their poster and the ‘audience’ and judges walk among the posters, talking with the authors one-on-one. Posters can be prepared using a PowerPoint poster template and professionally printed.
Cash Awards: These will be awarded to best oral and poster presenters.
Welcome from Organizers
It is a great pleasure to invite you to participate in 4th Young Scientists Research Conference, being held at Foundation University School of Health Sciences on 1st October 2024. We anticipate and warmly welcome your enthusiastic participation by sharing knowledge and skills to achieve a common goal of preparing our students in practicing research and evidence-based medicine in their future roles.
Our objectives
Last Date of Registration : 30th September 2024
Abstract Submission Closed
Abstract Submission Email:
Prof. Dr. Ulfat Bashir
Principal Islamic International Dental College
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Alamgir
Army Medical College
Dr Kainat Asmat
Shifa Tameer e Milat University
Foundation University School of Health Sciences (FUSH)
DHA Phase I Islamabad
Exchange: +92 51 5788171
Extn: 218, 621, 606
4ysrc Abstuct Submission: